Friday, August 8, 2014

Week 32 - Participate in an Eating Contest

We're back as promised with your weekly dose of fun.  Well, maybe not fun, but weekly dose of mild amusement just doesn't have the same ring.

Anyway after a busy week honoring the departed I am ready for something light hearted.  So I recruited Jin master of disguise to do the drawing this week.

5 seconds earlier he was a 200 lb Jamaican woman

The result, is what I believe is the last of the eating challenges.  At least I pray it is.

So what is an eating contest?  Clearly a pie eating competition, or hot dog eating contest would count, but I'm not sure if a state fair will coincide with this week.  There are also various restaurants with the ol'  eat this gigantic, horrible, or hellfire plate of food in under X amount of time.

Seems likely I'm going to get stuck with the latter, if anyone knows of a good restaurant challenge or contest coming up let a brother know. 

... I'm probably not your brother in the physical sense, unless you are my Sister, in which case hi Tya.


  1. The Big Bad Wolf challenge....

  2. I chickened out and chose the much simpler Voodoo Doughnut challenge. But, the year is still young so I may just try this one too.
