Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Week 38: Plan and Execute an Elaborate Prank

So the pool of volunteers to pull from the hat has dwindled greatly.  So, I think barring anyone who would like to volunteer from afar (we can work something out over a webcam I'm sure) I'll be skipping that step.  Which is a bonus, because it allows me to be lazy.

So let's see, what are we going to postpone this week?  It's the wide open field of possibilities of "Plan and Execute an Elaborate Prank"

I'll have to noodle around on this for a bit.


  1. Where did you go!!?

  2. Well, stranger, I took a stroll into the abyss and lost track of time. But I'm back now, older but much less wiser, and ready to finish out this year.
